America will kick some ass and my blog will show the pictures...
Kick his ass...
Published on July 5, 2005 By Handy Hank In Politics
Well tomorrow is the G8 and looks like all the European faggots are gonna whine about Africa and so called "global warming" which both me and the President know doesn't exist.

Looks like Chirac is trying to cause a whole lot of scuffling, not only does he piss on America which his pinko commie anti-war politics, now he's dissin British food in an effort to get the Brits all hepped up and ready to whip some ass.Link No doubt the faggot Brits (we saved their asses in WW2) will turn to us to bail them out. Bush and Blair will do a clothes line tag team manoeuvre and take that French pussy down.

So, who would win in the following fights?

Blair Vs Chirac

Bush Vs Blair

Chirac Vs Bush

No weapons allowed but anything else goes...


on Jul 05, 2005
You forgot Handy Hank or headupyourculoo
on Jul 05, 2005
" You forgot Handy Hank or headupyourculoo"

Shut the hell up you pinko Russian Iraqi commie marxist bastard.